Customer service software
for all your business needs

✔️ Deliver delightful customer support across all communication channels

✔️ Offer intuitive and contextual self-service with a touch of personalized automation


No credit card required. Set up in minutes.

💬 Talk to customers in real time

Enable real-time communication with your customers through HelpCrunch, wherever they are: on your website, in-app, via social media, or popular messengers. 

The perfect combo toolset that your team will LOVE

And also will provide a delightful customer experience to your website & in-app visitors

Connect your corporate messengers and social media accounts to provide omnichannel customer support. Handle all conversations in a unified shared inbox.

🔗 Connect multiple channels

Let AI take care of the text so your reps can focus on customers. Use AI editor to save time and reduce cognitive load when writing messages and creating help articles.

🚀 Boost customer service with AI tools

Initiate more chats and convert visitors into leads with chat auto messages. Just set up the rules that will trigger timely messages based on users’ behavior.

👋 Set up proactive messages 

An FAQ chatbot can ask relevant multiple-choice questions and send helpful knowledge base articles based on customers’ answers. Free up your time for more important tasks.

🤖 Set up a chatbot for self-service

Help customers help themselves. With a knowledge base integrated into your live chat widget, people can find answers to common questions without your slightest involvement.

📚Integrate a knowledge base

 Fast and powerful shared inbox for your team

Manage all communications in one place and stay in the context with real-time user info.

Free trial. Set up in minutes. No credit card required


Start using HelpCrunch now

Here’s what some of our customers have to say about our live chat software

After switching from Zendesk to HelpCrunch for some reason, customers found a new live chat more appealing and started using it twice as often as before. The product is great and your enthusiasm and personal attention to customers makes a big difference.

Jeroen Borgesius
CEO @ PR-Dashboard

User-friendly admin panel, great price, very helpful support, best-written knowledge base. Lots of options, easy to use for anyone. The best alternative to Intercom. I have been using and testing numerous apps so far, and Helpcrunch is truly a winner.

General manager @

Trusted by thousands of businesses, big and small

Cindy Bellford

We evaluated several competing options, including Intercom, Crisp, and Customerly and have been happy with our decision to go with HelpCrunch.
- A great feature set that caters toward customer support for SAAS
- Very competitive pricing for the offered feature set


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